Sep 9Liked by April Dunford

When behaviors change from within (like a broken finger) or from the outside(the market), our situations shift. Just as you did, it's a great time to reflect and refine; even experiment!

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Sep 6Liked by April Dunford

April thanks for your insight...we have thundered the value of positioning and learned much from your books and thought as we seek our place in the churn that is B2B. Dan Hicks asked, Where was the money? You answered.........with positioning!!

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Haha - thanks! I'm glad my stuff has been useful!

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Sep 5Liked by April Dunford

A great newsletter as always. Also a perfect opportunity to thank you for your books and podcasts that I have learned a lot from. Finally to break it to you that you broke your metacarpal not the metatarsal. The metatarsal is in your foot. 😂

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Aw crap - I always mix those up!! Thanks Dr. Shalaby!! 🙂

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Sep 5Liked by April Dunford

April, back in the Spring, I was short on work to do and the weather was pretty good. In the afternoon, when I would get frustrated (and already needing to walk), I would go the park and get some steps in. Got in more than maybe I had in years. Of course, as I walked, it opened up my brain to ponder and think. Helps you see a new perspective. The mundane work can be good for that I think.

We live in a constant consistency and momentum that we often don't pause to think about the strategy. These things are great for re-positioning our efforts. Well said!

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Sep 5Liked by April Dunford

Excellent and with spookily good timing. See you in London by the way!

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Thanks and it will be great to see you too!

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Timely & Practical insight 👌🏼

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Sep 5Liked by April Dunford

Funny you should say all this. This summer I finished reading your second book, "Sales Pitch!", and completing the workbook took me back to lessons learned in your positioning book Obviously Awesome. Now I am in the process of tightening the positioning a bit more and also revamping our sales desk to match.

We should see an impact this quarter and next year as more people "get, buy, love" lol

Especially since our positioning is so far apart from others in the space.

Glad your hand is better; it's a good thing that your pause on posts did not affect your pipeline but being back in action will help to

positively impact others' :D

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Hey thanks so much and I'm really glad you found my stuff useful!

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Likely see at How To Web ! 🎉 I am sure you will bring some fresh air in Eastern Europe !

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