Great read! I'm currently taking a deeper dive with your book and some other materials I found online.

Question: what should be established first for a new product — positioning or pricing?

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For a new product, generally we would have what I would call a "positioning thesis" that we would test with the first wave of customers. In the product launches I've been involved with, pricing was also fluid and we would expect the pricing to change if we had a change in the company profile we intended to target. Pricing and positioning go together in my opinion but in general, positioning (defining who we compete with, and what a best fit customer looks like) would come before establishing pricing. Hope that helps!

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I am super interested in how you would apply your positioning process to a local home service business like residential cleaning.

What you think are different considerations compared to the B2B software buying context.

Specifically trying to actually narrow down the competitve alternatives and choosing the market category. I can see how the unique capabilities and differentiated value translates.

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