An acquisition – for both the acquiring company and the company that has been acquired – is a golden opportunity to revisit and tighten up positioning.
Thanks for this April, appreciate this content. My company has gone through 3 acquisitions and telling a multi-product story for 3 different audiences is hard! I totally agree that a company should have sales, marketing and product aligning post-acquisition, otherwise people just continue selling what they know. another thing to think about is level-setting the knowledge about the product suite across these teams and PMM playing a central role in that alignment.
"A positioning exercise is a golden opportunity to align the teams" is such an overlooked nuance of brand building wisdom, April. With or without an acquisition. In fact, in our nonprofit brand Four A's framework we call positioning your "approach" and strategic planning your "alignment" for this very reason. Because organizations often do this positioning or brand work and tell the world, but forget to bring teams along for the ride. 👏🏽
Thanks for the thoughtful peace, Toby!
Thanks for this April, appreciate this content. My company has gone through 3 acquisitions and telling a multi-product story for 3 different audiences is hard! I totally agree that a company should have sales, marketing and product aligning post-acquisition, otherwise people just continue selling what they know. another thing to think about is level-setting the knowledge about the product suite across these teams and PMM playing a central role in that alignment.
"A positioning exercise is a golden opportunity to align the teams" is such an overlooked nuance of brand building wisdom, April. With or without an acquisition. In fact, in our nonprofit brand Four A's framework we call positioning your "approach" and strategic planning your "alignment" for this very reason. Because organizations often do this positioning or brand work and tell the world, but forget to bring teams along for the ride. 👏🏽